Showing posts with label imagifa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label imagifa. Show all posts

14 Powerful Design & Branding Quotes to Inspire Creative Thinking

In the world of design and branding, inspiration often comes from unexpected sources. From renowned designers to business moguls, the power of words can ignite the creative spark needed to push boundaries and redefine standards. Here are 14 powerful quotes that encapsulate the essence of design and branding, serving as guiding lights for those navigating the ever-evolving landscape of creativity.
You don’t think your way to creative work. You work your way to creative thinking

~George Nelson
Whitespace is like air: it is necessary for design to breathe.
~Wojciech ZieliƄski
Styles come and go. Good design is a language, not a style.
~Massimo Vignelli
If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.
~Ralf Speth
Design to communicate, not just decorate.
~Tony Stanton
Creativity takes courage.
~Henri Matisse
The value of an idea lies in the using of it.
~Thomas Edison
Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touchpoints.
~Jonah Sachs
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
~Leonardo da Vinci
You create a credible brand by staying true to who you are.
~Hillary Sawchuk
Design is thinking made visual
~Saul Bass
Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.
~Albert Einstein
~Art Webb
Brand is the story. Design is the storytelling.
~Susan Sellers

These quotes serve as reminders that design and branding are not just about aesthetics but about communicating ideas, shaping perceptions, and ultimately, influencing the world around us. Let them inspire you to think boldly, create passionately, and leave a lasting impression through your work in design and branding. 


Support Your Local Freak

In the pulsating heart of the underground music scene, where raw energy meets unfiltered expression, there's a resonance that transcends mere soundwaves. It's a resonance that echoes through every thread of grunge fashion, every stitch of alternative style, and every beat of rebellion against the mainstream.

As purveyors of the counter culture, bands understand the power of individuality and the importance of supporting your local freak. Our merchandise isn't just about selling t-shirts; it's about fostering a community of like-minded individuals who refuse to be silenced by society's expectations.

Grunge fashion isn't just a trend for us; it's a way of life. It's about embracing the rough edges, celebrating imperfection, and finding beauty in the chaos. Our t-shirt designs embody this ethos, featuring bold graphics, edgy slogans, and unique artwork that reflect the spirit of rebellion and nonconformity.

Alternative style isn't just about what you wear; it's about how you wear it. It's about taking something ordinary and making it extraordinary, transforming everyday clothing into a canvas for self-expression. Our merchandise allows you to do just that, offering a range of designs that empower you to embrace your eccentricities and stand out from the crowd.

But perhaps most importantly, our band merchandise is a celebration of community and support. By choosing to wear our t-shirts, you're not just expressing your individuality; you're also showing your solidarity with local artists, designers, and musicians who are fighting to make their voices heard.

Streetwear has always been a staple of the music scene, embodying the raw energy and DIY ethos that define grunge fashion. Our t-shirts capture this spirit, featuring distressed fabrics, bold prints, and eye-catching details that pay homage to the roots of the movement.

So why settle for generic merchandise when you can wear something that truly speaks to who you are? Support your local freak and show the world that you're not afraid to be yourself. Embrace grunge fashion, celebrate alternative style, and join us in the rebellion against conformity.

Ready to rock your individuality with a statement tee that screams "Support Your Local Freak"? Click the link below to explore our collection of grunge-inspired designs and join the movement today.


Embrace Your Inner Lion: ROAR with Pride in Our Lion Face Long Sleeve Shirt!

In a world where self-expression reigns supreme, our lion face long sleeve shirt stands out as a symbol of strength and courage. Featuring a captivating lion head design and the empowering word "ROAR," this shirt is more than just apparel—it's a statement of your indomitable spirit.

Crafted using the finest materials and employing the latest printing technology, our long sleeve shirt ensures both comfort and durability. Whether you're exploring the urban jungle or lounging at home, you'll exude confidence and style with every wear.

But where can you find this captivating garment? Look no further than our Print on Demand (POD) website! With just a click, you can explore our collection of lion face long sleeve shirts and unleash your inner lion. Our user-friendly interface makes browsing and purchasing a breeze, ensuring a seamless shopping experience from start to finish.

So, why wait? Elevate your wardrobe and make a bold statement with our lion face long sleeve shirt. Embrace your unique roar and let your style speak volumes. Click now to explore our collection and make your purchase today. Join the pride and ROAR with pride in our lion face long sleeve shirt! 


Unlocking the Power of Daejeon Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks: A Free Download Guide Logo Vector

In the digital landscape where visual identity reigns supreme, a compelling logo is the cornerstone of brand recognition. Enter the Daejeon Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks Logo—a symbol that encapsulates tradition, strength, and innovation. But what if you could harness its impact further through a downloadable vector format, free of charge? Let's delve into the significance of this emblem and the advantages of accessing it in vector form.

The Essence of Daejeon Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks Logo
Rooted in Korean martial arts heritage, Daejeon Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks Logo embodies the ethos of discipline, resilience, and mastery. Its dynamic design resonates with practitioners and enthusiasts alike, symbolizing not just a martial art but a way of life. With its bold strokes and vibrant hues, the logo reflects the energy and spirit of the martial arts community, fostering a sense of belonging and unity.

Leveraging the Power of Vector Graphics
While a logo in raster format serves its purpose, unlocking its full potential often requires scalability and versatility—qualities inherent in vector graphics. By downloading the Daejeon Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks Logo in vector format, practitioners, instructors, and businesses gain a plethora of advantages:

Scalability: Vector graphics can be resized infinitely without compromising quality, ensuring the logo looks impeccable across various platforms and dimensions, from business cards to billboards.

Versatility: Whether it's embroidery on uniforms, digital banners, or merchandise printing, vector logos adapt seamlessly to diverse mediums, maintaining clarity and fidelity.

Editing Flexibility: Vector files are editable, allowing for customization without loss of quality. Tailor the logo to suit specific requirements or incorporate it into promotional materials effortlessly.

Optimized Performance: Vector graphics have smaller file sizes compared to raster images, enhancing website loading times and overall digital performance—an essential aspect for SEO ranking.

Free Download: Empowering Your Brand Identity
Accessing the Daejeon Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks Logo in vector format is not just a convenience but a strategic move to elevate your brand presence. By offering it as a free download, the Volley arts community fosters collaboration, creativity, and widespread adoption. Whether you're a dojo seeking to enhance your visual identity or an enthusiast looking to personalize your gear, the availability of the logo in vector form opens doors to endless possibilities.

In the realm of digital marketing and brand representation, the significance of a well-crafted logo cannot be overstated. The Daejeon Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks Logo, with its rich symbolism and cultural heritage, serves as a beacon for the Volley arts community worldwide. By embracing the power of vector graphics and offering it as a free download, practitioners and businesses alike can amplify their brand presence, unite communities, and embark on a journey of growth and recognition.

Unlock the potential of your brand identity—download the Daejeon Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks Logo vector for free today.


This logo is provided for informational purposes. Always consult the Daejeon Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks or their official representatives for the most up-to-date commercial usage rights and permissions.

Before using the Daejeon Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks logo commercially, it's essential to research any licensing restrictions or usage guidelines on their official website.

Please refer to the Daejeon Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks' official website or brand guidelines for specific commercial use permissions.

Click Link Below to Download :


Selamat hari ibu Nasional 22 Desember


Don't stop until your mama proud T-Shirt Mama T-Shirt Designed and Sold by imagifa

Don't stop until your mama proud T-Shirt Designed and Sold by imagifa

Menyayangi ibu merupakan nilai yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan setiap individu. Ibu adalah sosok yang telah mengorbankan segala-galanya untuk melahirkan, membesarkan, dan mencintai anak-anaknya. Keberadaannya memainkan peran sentral dalam membentuk karakter dan kepribadian seseorang.

Kasih sayang seorang ibu tidak tergantikan oleh apapun. Ia adalah sumber kehangatan dan keamanan bagi anak-anaknya. Saat mengalami kesulitan atau kegagalan, ibu selalu siap memberikan dukungan tanpa syarat. Perjalanan hidup yang penuh liku dan suka duka menjadi lebih ringan ketika ada kasih sayang ibu yang tak pernah pudar.

Melalui perhatian dan kasih sayangnya, seorang ibu memberikan pondasi moral dan etika yang kuat pada anak-anaknya. Ia menjadi teladan bagi mereka dalam menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari. Menyayangi ibu bukan hanya kewajiban, tetapi juga investasi dalam membentuk generasi yang bertanggung jawab dan penuh empati.

Ketika anak-anak tumbuh dengan kasih sayang ibu, mereka lebih mampu menghadapi tantangan hidup dengan keberanian dan ketenangan batin. Oleh karena itu, menyayangi ibu bukan hanya suatu tindakan, tetapi juga suatu kebijaksanaan yang membawa dampak positif jangka panjang dalam kehidupan setiap individu.

Selamat Hari Ibu


Review Buku : How to win friends & Influence People


Cover Buku How to win friends & Influence People
   "Cover Buku How to win friends & Influence People dalam berbagai versi"

Bagi yang pernah mengikuti Training di lembaga ini pasti akan sangat familiar dengan buku ini. Nah buku ini berisi tentang berbagai kisah mengenai proses interaksi antara manusia di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Buku ini pada umumnya membahas prinsip-prinsip dasar dalam berinteraksi dengan orang lain, membangun hubungan yang baik, dan memengaruhi orang dengan cara yang positif. Dale Carnegie menekankan pentingnya keterampilan sosial, empati, dan pemahaman terhadap orang lain.

Buku ini dibagi menjadi empat bagian :

Bagian 1 : 

Teknik Dasar dalam menghadapi orang

Bagian 2 : 

Enam kiat agar orang menyukai anda

Bagian 3 : 

Kiat agar orang menyetujui cara pikir anda

Bagian 4: 

Menjadi seorang pemimpin; strategi mengubah orang tanpa membuatnya tersinggung atau marah

Intisari dari buku "How to Win Friends and Influence People" karya Dale Carnegie dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut:

1. **Cara Memperlakukan Orang:** Buku ini menekankan pentingnya memperlakukan orang dengan baik. Carnegie menyarankan untuk tidak mengkritik, menghormati pendapat orang lain, dan memahami pandangan mereka.

2. **Cara Membuat Orang Merasa Penting:** Carnegie menyoroti pentingnya membuat orang merasa dihargai dan diakui. Dia menekankan bahwa memberikan perhatian, mendengarkan dengan baik, dan menghargai kontribusi orang lain dapat meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal.

3. **Cara Memimpin Orang Tanpa Menimbulkan Ketidaknyamanan:** Buku ini memberikan panduan tentang bagaimana memengaruhi orang tanpa menciptakan konflik. Carnegie menekankan pentingnya menginspirasi orang untuk melakukan hal-hal yang diinginkan, bukan memaksa mereka.

4. **Cara Memenangkan Simpati Orang Lain:** Buku ini memberikan saran praktis untuk memenangkan simpati orang lain, termasuk cara berbicara dengan penuh perhatian, menghindari kritik yang merendahkan, dan menemukan kesamaan di antara orang lain.

5. **Cara Mengubah Orang Tanpa Menimbulkan Resentimen:** Carnegie menekankan bahwa mengkritik atau menyalahkan orang dapat menimbulkan perlawanan. Sebagai gantinya, dia menyarankan untuk menyatakan ide atau kritik secara positif dan membangun.

6. **Cara Menangani Orang yang Sulit:** Buku ini memberikan panduan tentang cara mengatasi konflik dengan bijak, mengelola orang yang sulit, dan menciptakan hubungan yang positif bahkan dalam situasi yang penuh tekanan.

Buku ini telah dianggap sebagai buku klasik dalam pengembangan diri dan keterampilan sosial, memberikan wawasan praktis untuk membangun hubungan yang sehat dan positif dengan orang lain.

Sudahkah anda membacanya?


Welcome Desember 2023

Halo Selamat datang di bulan desember 2023

Alhamdulillah bulan november sudah berlalu dan kini kita telah tiba di penghujung akhir tahun 2023. Dan tahun 2023 pun akan segera berakhir. Intensitas hujan sudah mulai rapat.

Gimana pencapaian november semoga semakin membaik di bulan ini dan semakin meningkat di 2024 nanti.

tidak terasa blog ini sudah berusia 18 tahun di 2024 nanti.

that's it for now.

